Monday, March 26, 2012

Grilling Lobster Step by Step

What you need:

  • Lobsters
  • Lobster Pot
  • Grill
  • Butter or Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Lemon
  • Tongs

Step 1 : Parboil the lobster in covered pot five to seven minutes.

Step 2 : remove lobsters from the cooking pot, and place in a colander to drain.

Step 3 : slice lobster in half lengthwise from the tail to the top of the head.

Step 4 : after slicing lobster into two halves, it's a good idea to rinse the exposed lobster meat before cooking  on the grill.

Step 5 : Use a sharp knife to split the claws only on the side that will be turned up on the grill. Be careful! Hold the claw firmly as shown, and make a small slit to vent the claw.

Step 6 : Place each half lobster, shell side down, on a grill that has been pre-heated to medium temperature.

Step 7 : Baste the exposed lobster meat with melted butter or oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. For added flavor, use seasoned oils, or add garlic, herbs and spices or lemon or lime juice to the butter. We used basil to flavor our butter sauce.

Step 8 : Grill lobsters for about 10 minutes. Be sure to check the meat at the thickest part of the tail in order to determine that lobsters are completely cooked. When the meat is white and opaque, your grilled lobsters are ready to eat. Grab them with tongs and place them on a platter or plate.

Step 9 : Serve grilled lobster with melted drawn butter and a slice of lemon. We used basil once again to season our butter dipping sauce.

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