Saturday, March 24, 2012

The way to Keep lobster alive in refrigerator

Lobster can survive in a pot in your refrigerator for about 48 hours.

Things You'll Need
  • Pot, large enough for lobsters.
  • Damp seaweed or shredded newspapers.

  1. Unpack the live lobsters. If your lobsters were shipped to you, they might have come with seaweed. Place the seaweed under water to keep it moist. If not, shred some old newspaper and moisten it.
  2. Put the lobsters in the pot. Do not add water. If the pot is filled with water, the lobsters will deplete the oxygen quickly and suffocate.
  3. Cover the lobsters with newspaper or seaweed. Cover the pot and place it in the coolest part of the refrigerator, which is usually on the top shelf toward the rear. The lobsters will stay alive in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. Check them frequently, however. If they become very listless, cook them immediately.

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