1st Wave Surfing is a licensed Surfing Australia Surf School
In The Surf
If you are confident with your paddling technique the next step is to go back into the surf and use it to improve your wave catching skills.
Once again the question is “when do you jump on the surfboard?”
Previously we were waiting for the wave to hit the tail of the surfboard before jumping on, now, to gain a maximum result, slide on to the surfboard when the wave is one to two metres away from the tail.
As in stage one, push the surfboard forward heading directly into the beach, slide on (lead with your chest into the correct body position), start paddling hard and fast, you will feel the wave hit the back of the board and increase your momentum, from here, DON’T stop paddling, add a couple extra “power strokes” and then return your hands back to the chest line, push up, and ride the wave all the way to the beach.
As every wave will be different you will have to work out yourself how much paddling is required, sometimes two strokes will pull you onto the wave and other times a larger quantity of strokes will be required. The idea is not to paddle all the way to the beach, but to increase your speed enough for the waves momentum to pick you up and carry you all the way to the beach.
Stage 2 Summary
Paddling is an essential skill that is required by a surfer. The more power and effort that is used when paddling will increase your wave catching ability and greatly benefit the next stage which is standing up. Remember this is a basic beginners guide and you should still only walk out to waist deep water and now paddle onto the white water waves.
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